Deer Feed

All You Need To Know About The Different Types Of Deer Feed
When raising domestic deer, it is important that you consider deer are plant-eating animals and require specific types of supplementary feed. Typically, this type of animal will live off of leaves, small plants, and other types of grasses; however, when living in a domestic setting the deer will eat the feed provided by the farmer. For effective rearing, it is essential that the feed provided is as similar to the food the animal would eat normally based on their living location. This article will provide information on the different types of deer feed and tips on how the deer should be fed.
What Are The Different Types Of Deer Feed?
1. Nuts
Several different types of nuts are available as deer food, such as white acorns, red acorns, beech nuts, and hickory nuts. An acorn is particularly beneficial because it is filled with high levels of energy and carbohydrates, but is quite low in protein. Deer tent to enjoy acorns because of their sweet taste and you can feed the deer acorns according to their demands.
2. Plants
The various types of non-woodland plants are highly beneficial sources of deer food, such as plants from the roadside or edges of fields. Plants are essential to a deer's diet because they help with correct digestion processes.
3. The Leaves of Trees
While leaves of trees are not as favored as acorns by deer, reports show that deer will eat tree leaves if no other food is available. The type of leaves consumed is dependent on the region and some of the more common types include honeysuckle leaves, maple leaves, poplar leaves, blueberry leaves, aspen leaves, and poison ivy leaves.
4. Mushrooms
Based on the fact that mushrooms contain high nutrition, it is recommended that you opt for mushrooms as deer feed. While many farmers are concerned regarding certain species of mushrooms being dangerous, many of these poisonous mushrooms affect humans only and can be consumed by deer easily.
5. Crops
It is well-known that deer eat different types of crops and these are the most common types of feed available. Among the crops include oats, wheat, clover, corn, peas, soybeans, and gram. Crops are crucial to deer health; therefore, it is advised that you feed the animals as much crop as possible.
6. Supplementary Grain
Supplementary feed is a highly beneficial feed option available in grain format. The supplementary feed is useful because it includes all types of nutrition and can be easily digested by the deer. This is the reason why most farmers opt for supplementary grain as a type of deer feed as compared to other items.
7. Water
Water is essential for all life forms including deer. It is vital that you provide the deer with fresh and clean water regularly according to their needs.
What Are The Different Seasonal Feeding Procedures?
Similar to the fact that deer eat food according to the region they are in, it is also important to consider the season. Each of the seasons bring new conditions and challenges for the animal and correct feeding will help overcome these issues.
1. Fall Feeding
Fall is the breeding season for deer and breeding demands higher energy levels. As a deer's libido increases, their food consumption will reduce; therefore, you may not need to feed as much as possible but should keep feed available to help maintain good nutrition.
2. Winter Feeding
Winter is the period when deer are exiting mating season and the colder temperatures will limit natural foraging. It is recommended that you use supplemental protein during this time to improve nutrition and bridge the gap between the cold and warm seasons.
3. Spring Feeding
Spring is a season characterized by increased foraging and crucial for lactating fawns. Supplemental feeding is essential now before the natural feed options are more accessible.
4. Summer Feeding
Foraging can vary in summer based on the heat conditions and this can cause stress for deer. It is recommended that you use fortified minerals and vitamins to help the deer survive any drought or heat.